(last updated at 2017, June 20th)

What is “Morgh’s Mount & Blade WB/WFAS Editor”?

A couple of tools for editing module game data in the computer game “Mount & Blade Warband”

Why I can’t see the full window on my display?

The tool was designed for displays with a minimum resolution of 1024×768 pixel. Fade out your taskbar to see the complete window!
I won’t design the tool for lesser resolutions, 1024×768 is really the minimum. It’s 2011 – most people have 1280×1024 and higher displays…

What is Python?

Python is an interpreted, general-purpose high-level programming language whose design philosophy emphasizes code readability.
It has nothing to do with Taleworld. It’s just used to build/compile Taleworlds “Module System” to the text files which contains a module’s game data.

You can download Python here: http://www.python.org/download/

What is a “Module System”?

The Module System is a couple of Python-files (headers, data, and more) released by Taleworlds. It contains the “Native” game module in a readable form. A batch file is integrated to build the text files, which are used by the game. The module contains exactly the same data as the text files. 
The best way to modify a game module is using this Module System. I released my tool for those people who can’t read the data or for those who aren’t interested to modify data here.

You can download the Module System here:

I can’t find a module_[xxxxx].py, where can I find it?

This is a part of Taleworlds’ Module System, before you can use this you have to install it and the Python scripting language, too.

I modified things at the editor and I can’t see changes in the game…?

This is one of the most asked questions and I have a very simple answer: Start a new game. In 90% of all cases this is the reason, why you can’t see your changes.
The game reads most of the data from a saved game. So your troops are stored there, also party locations, variables, and a lot of more. You can play your game for a hour ore more until you see a few of your changes. But you will never see things like changed faction colors, moved parties (x/y coordinates). Also the changed faces of special troops like the kings, lords, heroes you will never see. Same to the values of theses troops. ->So please start a new game before you ask in the forum.

The other 10%… Did you hit the update-button after changing values? Did you saved your work?

I modified a troop at the editor and I can’t see it in the game…?

Did you linked your troop to a party template, or an upgrade path of another troop which is used as reinforcement/recruitable troop?
 Without that you will never see that unit in the game!

I modified/added an item at the editor and I can’t find it in the game…?

Did you set a merchandise flag? Is the abundance high enough? Did you looked at the correct faction towns (ingame), if you assigned an item to specific factions?

I modified things at the editor, but the values are not correct in the game…?

No, this isn’t a bug of my tool. All I do is decimal to hexadecimal converting, get single values from the hex value again to decimal, fill the form, and write it back to hexadecimal, convert this back again do decimal. This processing produces no errors.
The reason why your data is not correct are wrong dependencies of the values (ironflesh 5 requires strength 15 or else) or a game script which modify your data. Sometimes people changes values which are not doing that what the people think what they do. Food items for example. So, try and error, until you find your bug.

I can’t find a “Masterwork Great Sword” (for example) in the items list but at the ingame merchat. What’s wrong?

“Masterwork” is a item modifier, search for “Great Sword”. This applies to all modifiers (plain, chipped, heavy, masterful, …) !

I want to change or setup the food morale value, but I can’t find such a value at the item editor?

Correct. Food morale value can’t be changed at the “item_kinds.txt”.
It will be initialized by a game script “initialize_item_info”:

(item_set_slot, “itm_bread”, slot_item_food_bonus, 7),
 (item_set_slot, “itm_grain”, slot_item_food_bonus, 2), 
 (item_set_slot, “itm_your_food_for_example”, slot_item_food_bonus, [value]),

You need knowlede about how the Module System works, to change such things. Also you can only use this to change the Native Module, otherwise you need the modder’s module system to change things at other modules than the Native one!

Can I make my own troop tree?

Not really, but with a trick, you can! For example:

 Switch to the first recruitable swadian unit (Swadian Recruit) and use its upgrade path(s) to point to your own new units at the end of the list. Then you can use the upgrade path of your own new unit to point to another new (higher) troop or also back to an existing troop which is also an existing part of the game, that doesn’t matter. The only important thing is, that you use an unit which is used by the game for recruitment as an initial troop for your own troop tree!

Another example:

35. Swadian Recruit -> upgrade path to a new unit: 930. Swadian Weak Militia -> upgrade path back to existing one: 36. Swadian Militia

The editor won’t write any data to the text/python files at Vista/win 7 !?

Run the program as administrator! If that won’t work, check your administration/directory/file rights.

Can I use TweakMB and your tool to modify my game data?

Yes, you can!
TweakMB is a tool which generally changes values in triggers, scripts and game menus. These are also values which can be modified without starting a new game. They don’t affect saved games. The tool uses the standard module system operations and formulas – if you don’t use the module system changing operations and formulas, you will get no problems. TweakMB is a great solution for modifying game values in a simple way!

My tool is generally changing troops and items. I don’t think that you will become any conflicts.

Is there a tool where I can see how the stuff (objects) look like?

Yes, use OpenBrf!
Download it here: http://www.mbrepository.com/file.php?id=1466